Tejano Volunteer Company - Stories of our Texas Revolution.
On a Monday evening, September 28, 1835, a meeting was held near San Antonio de Béxar by a group of concerned young Tejanos who discerned an imminent war on the horizon
By the end of that historic gathering, the young vaqueros and rancheros of San Antonio de Béxar gathered together to form a local militia and engage for Texas Independence.
The San Antonio militia unit born that day became known as the Tejano Volunteer Company. It's time to tell their stories.
At the start of the Texas Revolution, as the “Old 18” stood firm in the town of Gonzales, many individuals began to organize regional militias throughout the state. These militia groups would play their role in this Texas revolution.
San Antonio de Béxar, the most prominent and wealthiest city in Texas, would organize its militia and consist of this area’s brave young vaqueros and rancheros.
In late September of 1835, a meeting was held at the Flores de Abrego Ranch (Manuel and Salvador Flores’ family home) near Floresville, and young, eligible volunteers of Bexar arrived to meet with a young, aggressive, determined leader, Juan Seguin. They committed together to form a military unit, their area militia, and engage in the fight for Texas freedom. Many of the men that attended that day had been friends since childhood.
That historic meeting at the Flores de Abrego Ranch gave birth to the San Antonio Fighting Militia, the Tejano Volunteer Company led by Juan Seguin. That afternoon, during his acceptance speech, Juan Seguin quoted what he and his brothers-in-law saw as their only option:
“Texas shall be free and independent, or we should die in glorious combat!”
Today, the veracities of Texas History and our Texas Heroes (and there were many!) are being challenged. There are voices in the wind with claims involving our history that go against nearly everything Native Texans have known all of our lives. Yet, it is a well-known fact that during Texas' darkest hours, a diverse group of brave men and women from Texas and all over the world stood for freedom.
They are the duties and privileges of today's generation of Texans to stand up for the men and women of our past that sacrificed so much to establish the Great Republic of Texas. Texans will defend and protect our Texas History and our Texas Heroes. So don't let revisionists decry your fine pedigrees.
Texas History & Heroes - Never Forget!
Tejano Volunteer Company
"Texas History - Never Forget!"
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